- Positions tab: Displays the current positions on marginal accounts (for Gross and Net accounts).
- Assets tab: Displays the current balance of assets (for Cash accounts).
- Orders tab: Displays pending orders awaiting activation (for Gross, Net, and Cash accounts).
The following types of trading accounts are available on the TickTrader platform: Net, Gross (Margin) and Cash (Exchange).
Gross and Net accounts are Margin accounts, which means that trading is performed using leverage. The key difference between Gross and Net accounts is that on Gross accounts, all positions opened on a financial instrument are separate operations. You can read about the difference between Gross and Net account here.
Positions/Assets tab
Position parameters (Margin accounts)
On the Positions tab, you can view the current positions on TickTrader ECN account.
Position parameters:
- ID. Position identification number.
- Open Time. Time of opening a position.
- Type. Position type (Buy/Sell).
- Symbol. Trading instrument name (e.g. EURUSD).
- Volume: Positions volume.
- Open Price. Price of opening a position.
- S/L. Stop Loss level.
- T/P. Take Profit level.
- Current Price. Current price.
- Gross P/L. Gross Profit/Loss.
- Commission. Commission charged at position opening.
- Rebate. Percentage of trade amount that will be returned back.
- Swap. Charged swap.
- Net P/L. Net Profit/Loss. Net P/L = Gross P/L - Commission - Swap.
- Used Margin. Margin required for this position.
- Comment. User comment.
*Swap and commission. The Swap value on Gross
and Net accounts is presented in points, but is charged in profit currency
according to the algorithm of profit calculation. Swap and commission are
charged in proportion to the volume of a closed order. If an order remains open
overnight and is partially executed the next day, swap applies only to the
filled order volume. Commission is charged at position opening and immediately
recorded to History.
How to manage a position
Modify Position
. You can change some parameters like Stop Loss and Take Profit, TP/SL volume depending on the Type Modify.
Reverse Position
. When you reverse a position on Gross account, the current
position is closed and the opposite position of the same volume is opened. To reverse a Net position, open
an opposite position of a larger volume.
Close Position
. You can close the selected position. You can also close multiple positions using the Close Positions option. Click the 'Close Positions' button and select the positions for closing: for all symbols, for the current symbol, Profitable or Losing, All Sell or All Buy.
Asset parameters (Cash account)
On the Assets tab, you can view the current balance of assets on Cash account.
An asset is a parameter used to determine the volume of fiat or cryptocurrency owned by the customer. Assets are kept on the same-name TickTrader ECN account subaccounts. Subaccounts allow to maintain a separate record of each asset.
Asset parameters:
- Asset Name. Asset name.
- Asset Amount. Total asset amount. Asset Amount = Locked Amount + Available Amount.
- Locked Amount. Asset amount reserved to ensure the execution of pending orders.
- Available Amount. Asset amount available for placing orders. Available Amount = Asset Amount - Locked Amount.
- Cross Rate To X. Cross rate used to convert the asset to another asset. This feature allows you to estimate the total volume of assets expressed in one asset. The result of conversion is shown in the Asset Amount in X column.
- Asset Amount In X. Asset amount converted to the selected asset X.
- Locked Amount. Bar chart of assets.
- Total/ Locked/ Available. Total/ Locked/ Available asset amount in %.
- Show Pie Chart. Pie chart of assets in the selected currency X. The asset amount display mode can be changed to: Total, Locked, Available.
You can sell the selected asset completely or partially.
Orders tab
On the Orders tab, you can view the list of placed pending orders.
Order parameters (Margin accounts)
- Order ID: Unique order identification number.
- Open Time: Time when the order was placed.
- Type: Order type (Limit/Stop/Stop Limit).
- Symbol: Name of the financial instrument involved in the transaction.
- Strategies: Name of the strategy that includes the current orders (OCO, OTA, Ladder of the orders, OBD).
- Volume: Order volume.
- Visible Volume. Order volume visible in the Depth of Market.
- Open Price. Open price of an order.
- S/L. Stop Loss level (Gross).
- T/P. Take Profit level (Gross).
- Slippage Control, %. Slippage value for Market and Stop orders (in %).
- Limit Price. Limit price (for Stop Limit orders).
- Used Margin. Margin required for this order.
- Expiration: Order expiration time. The order will be executed at the requested rate before the expiration time, or canceled.
- Comment: User comment (e.g. comment on the strategy).
How to modify a pending order
in the last column of the table.
You can modify the following order parameters (depending on the order type):
- Open Price: Open price at which you want the order to be opened.
- Stop Loss/ Take Profit: Stop Loss and Take Profit levels.
- Volume: Order volume. Enter the Volume value.
- Slippage Control: Slippage Control. Enter the slippage control value in %.
- Visible Volume: Order volume visible in the Depth of Market. Select the checkbox and enter the Visible Volume value.
- Expiration Date: Order expiration time. If you set the expiration time, the order will be either executed at the requested rate until the time of expiry, or canceled. The Order type of expired orders in the transaction history is Expired. Select the checkbox and set the order expiration time.
- Comment: User comment.
How to delete a pending order
in the last column of the order table, and then click OK.
Click Cancel Orders to remove all orders or orders for the current symbol. You can also cancel orders by their type: Limit, Stop, Stop-Limit or Strategy orders (OTA, Ladder).
Order parameters (Cash account)
Note: The full amount of asset intended for exchange is reserved to ensure a pending order execution.
- ID: Unique transaction identification number.
- Open Time: Time when the order was placed.
- Type: Order type (Limit/Stop/Stop Limit).
- Symbol: Name of the financial instrument involved in the transaction.
- Strategies: Name of the strategy that includes the current orders (OTA, Ladder of the orders, OBD).
- Volume X: Volume of asset X (first asset in the currency pair) involved in the transaction.
- Visible Volume. Order volume visible in the Depth of Market.
- Volume Y: Volume of asset Y (second asset in the currency pair) involved in the transaction.
- Rate X/Y: Exchange rate at which you want the order to be activated.
- Slippage Control, %. Slippage value for Market and Stop orders (in %).
- Limit Price. Limit price (for Stop Limit orders).
- Commission: Commission charged for the execution of the order.
- Locked Volume: Volume of asset X reserved for the pending order.
- Expiration: Order expiration time. The order will be executed at the requested rate before the expiration time, or canceled.
- Comment: User comment (e.g. comment on the strategy).
Filter orders. You can filter orders by asset or symbol. To filter orders by asset on the Orders tab, click the asset on the Assets tab. This will automatically create a filter with the following condition: the first or second currency in the currency pair is the one you clicked on the Assets tab.
How to modify a pending order
in the last column of the table.
You can modify the following order parameters:
- Rate X/Y: Exchange rate at which you want the order to be activated.
- Volume X: Volume of asset X (order volume).
- Visible Volume: Order volume visible in the Depth of Market. Select the checkbox and enter the Visible Volume value.
- Expiration Date: Order expiration time. If you set the expiration time, the order will be either executed at the requested rate until the time of expiry, or canceled. The Transaction type of expired orders in the transaction history is Expired. Select the checkbox and set the order expiration time.
- Comment: User comment.
How to delete a pending order
in the last column of the order table, and then click OK.
Click Cancel Orders to remove all orders or orders for the current symbol. You can also cancel orders by their type: Limit, Stop, Stop-Limit or Strategy orders (OTA, Ladder).
Tips and Tricks
The indicator next to the tab name shows the status of connection to the hub:
Gray: Connection not established.
Animated Gray: Connection in progress.
Green: Connection established.
Red: Connection failed.
Column chooser. You can customize the history table columns the way you like: some columns can be stuck to the left or right, some of the columns can be hidden
Records. You can select the number of displayed records in the drop-down list in the upper left of the tab (5-100).
Search. To find information in the table, use the search field.
Show orders from strategies. To show orders which are included into the order strategy.
Sorting. You can sort the table contents by a specific parameter by clicking the column name (in alphabetical order, in ascending/descending order).