تسجيل حساب FXOpen الرئيسي

تسجيل حساب FXOpen الرئيسي

قبل أن تفتح حساب تداول وتبدأ التداول مع FXOpen، قم بالتسجيل في الحساب الرئيسي الخاص بكBefore you open a trading account and start trading with FXOpen, register your Main account.

To open Main account:

  1. Open the registration form.

  2. Choose your country of residence and click Begin Application.

  3. Accept FXOpen Client AgreementMain account Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

  4. Choose one of the registration methods: by using social accounts (1) or filling in the form (2).

Depending on the selected method of registration, you will need to use your connected social account (1) or email and password (2) for logging in to the Client Portal. You can add or remove a social account in Settings → Profile.


Simplified registration with social accounts (1)

  1. Select a social account and click Next

  2. Enter your email address if required.

  3. If your name does not appear automatically, enter your First and Last name. Click Next.

  4. You will receive an email notification saying your social account has been successfully connected to your FXOpen account.  

Registration by filling in the form (2)

  1. Fill in the registration form. Enter your email, phone number and password. You can enter your own Main account password or use the one generated automatically.

    Please save the password as it is shown ONLY ONCE on this form. If you lose/forget your password, you can  recover it on the login page.
  2. Click Submit. You will receive an email notification saying your Main account has been successfully registered.

If you complete the process successfully, you will see your FXOpen Main account information including your email as FXOpen login and Main account number.
Click Login.

As soon as you log into your account for the first time, you will get the PIN code. Save it!
Click Next to manage your client's portal.

Please keep your PIN code in a safe place. It will be shown ONLY ONCE! The PIN code is required to confirm funds withdrawals / transfers and other financial operations on your account.

Complete your Main account registration

Pass the verification procedure to complete your Main account registration.

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